Join us for this free event: making a decision to move a relativeMay 25, 2023 AT 1PMTOWSLEY VILLAGE805 W. MIDDLE ST, CHELSEA MI, 48118RSVP by May 18, 2023 Join us for our assisted Living open houseJune 8, 2023 AT 10AM - 1PMTOWSLEY VILLAGE805 W. MIDDLE ST, CHELSEA MI, 48118 View Full Invite Please select from the following options:(Required) I'd like to attend Thursday, May 25 at 1 PM. I'd like to attend Thursday, June 8 at 1 PM. I'd like to attend both dates. Can't attend, but add me to the waiting list. I have questions, please contact me. I am interested in this event for:(Required) Myself My loved one Number of guests(Required) Name(Required) First Last Please choose how you would like to be contacted:(Required)Phone callEmailAdd your preferred contact information (# or email) here:(Required) How did you hear about this event?(Required)Social media (Facebook)Newspaper (MLive)Invite mailed to homeOur websiteA friend Δ